Life with PCLinuxOS (so far)

Hi again!

So it’s been a couple months with PCLinuxOS, and all the problems I previously had have been ironed out, for the most part.  I figured that I’d give you my thoughts on using PCLOS now that I have been able to gather my thoughts without worrying about display drivers and whatnot. Continue reading

Come in, the door is open

Hey, look who decided to drop by! I don’t know how you found your way here, but we’re glad you came.

Hello, I’m tPenguinLTG, and I present to you *nix Windows, an active log of how three guys learn Linux with hopes to one day replace Microsoft Windows as our primary operating system.

The other two bloggers who will be joining me are Dreadnought Six and DdcCabuslay. These two wanted to “learn Linux”, and as an experienced Linux user who has already made the switch to Arch Linux, they asked me for advice on how to get started. I recommended PCLinuxOS with KDE to Ddc, and DSix wanted to jump right into “hard mode” and use Arch Linux. DSix will be using CrunchBang Manjaro Arch Linux as his primary distribution.

This isn’t just another Linux blog…